On Thursday 08 February 2001 17:42, Stephen Carville wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno] wrote:
> - I've been trying to get postfix to work on a server that I'm running, but
> - after much twiddling and much lingering about I can't seem to get to
> download - the mail from the server,  I've posted mails about this on this
> list before, - but didn't get any answers that worked for me.
> Postfix is a MTA and does not download mail from a server.  For that
> you need something like fetchmail.  From there postfix will handle
> local delivery.  As long as you are not receiving mail directly
> fetchmail plius the default postfix configuration is adequate.
> If you are receiving mail directly -- you have your own domain, MX
> record, etc -- you will have to make a couple of changes.  Assuming
> you are not doing anything fancy with virtual domains, your domain is
> domain.net, and your MX record is mail.domain.net then in main.cf:
> myhostname = mail.domain.net
> mydomain = domain.net
> mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain $mydomain
> That's about it for a basic setup.  Be sure to change the aliases
> file appropriately and run postfix reload.

No no.. download mail from the server that's running postfix...

I just found out that postfix isn't a pop3 server in addition to what it 
already does, so I tried with both inetd and xinetd (the files seems to be 
correctly setup, pop3 and ipop3d).  But this doesn't work, I get to know how 
many mails I have, but it won't download them...

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: www.realityx.net - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
     not by the limits of reality...

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