Aaah - I think we have it now !!

In a 'normal' installation the network won't install without a network
card - you would probably have to manually add all of the components to
create a loopback. Easier to install a network card and try again.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Müller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] LM 7.2 new install and network probs

> Am Don, 08 Feb 2001 schrieben Sie:
> > type ifconfig at the # and see what that says - it sounds like your
> > card has not been activated or not found.
> Hallo Mike,
> well first I do not have a network card at all, just want to use the
> Now typing ifconfig gives nothing.
> [root@localhost /root]# ifconfig -a
> lo         Linkverkapselung:Locale Schleife
>           LOOPBACK  MTU:3924  Metric:1
>           Empfangene Pakete:0 Fehler:0 Weggeworfen:0 Überlauf:0 Rahmen:0
>           Verschickte Packete:0 Fehler:0 Weggeworfen:0 Überlauf:0 Rahmen:0
>           Kollisionen:0 Sendewarteschlangenlänge:0
> [root@localhost /root]# ping
> PING ( 56 octets data
> sendto: Network is unreachable
> [root@localhost /root]# ifconfig lo up
> [root@localhost /root]# ifconfig -a
> lo         Linkverkapselung:Locale Schleife
>           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
>           Empfangene Pakete:0 Fehler:0 Weggeworfen:0 Überlauf:0 Rahmen:0
>           Verschickte Packete:0 Fehler:0 Weggeworfen:0 Überlauf:0 Rahmen:0
>           Kollisionen:0 Sendewarteschlangenlänge:0
> I tried to start the loopback, but even with it running is still
> unreachable. I have no idea why? My LM 7.0 was running without any
> with the loopback, I just had to activate inetd, but now with LM 7.2 it
> not work. PLZ help.
> Thanx in advance
> Andreas

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