On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 10:06:37AM -0500, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Chris Spackman wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Is it possible that someone on the network is actually broadcasting to
> > everyone their attempt to connect to localhost? What is this? Could it be
> > coming from my box?
> The loopback address is NEVER (unless the rules have changed) supposed to appear
> on a physical net.

That's why it got my attention.
> Use a sniffer tool to capture these packets, get the MAC address of the sender. 
> If this MAC is not yours (see your ifconfig output), then look for packets with
> that MAC and a  real IP and get your ISP involved now that you've done the grunt
> work of finding the broken machine(s).  Alternatively (assuming the packets are
> not from you), complain to the ISP who should have sniffers...

Good idea. Good a time as any to learn about sniffers and a real good reason

Actually, I have told the isp, but am not totally convinced that they even
know what a sniffer is.

Thanks for the help.
Chris and Yoshiko Spackman

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Japanese)

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gratuitous quote:
"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or
numbered. My life is my own."
-The Prisoner

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