At 05:42 AM 02/09/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>On Thursday 08 February 2001 23:31, you wrote:
> > Are there some instructions on how to install truetype fonts with
> > Mandrake?  I have only done it with xfstt -- which works very well --
> > but Mandrake uses xfs.
>Just use drakfont, it will take care of everything for you. Be warned
>however, if you have a lot of windows fonts it mught take a while to
>(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

I would highly recommend you *not* install all of your Windows fonts. Just 
select a few that you want, and install them, If you need more later, add 
them. Remember, every font is placed in memory when your system starts up 
-- the more fonts you have, the longer it takes to boot, and the slower 
your system will be when running.

Dave Sherman
SoftServ Business Systems, Inc.            "Quid quid latine dictum sit,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  altum viditur."
(763) 569-9839

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