One event that for some reason I didn't associate with the NIC before was a
problem that I stumbled across with mdk 7.1.  What happened is that I tried to
get an IBM-DTLA-307045 to work with optimized settings with a BE6-II m/b.  When
I put the optimized configs inside of rc.local the machine hung on boot.  When I
booted off of a bootdisk and changed things back, I could no longer get dhcpcd
to work right.  To the best that I could tell (its been a while and this is a
side problem that I didn't delve too deeply into) the config files managed to
get hosed.  (Probably was something with the disk buffers not being completely
in sync with the disk.)

I can't think of anything off hand that would screw up dhcpcd when compiling the
kernel.  It seems that is a separate mechanism that is not really a kernel
option.  One thing that I usually do differently when recompiling the kernel is
compiling the drivers for my ethernet card directly into the kernel instead of
as a loadable module.  I only do this so that I don't have to go through the
extra effort of building a new initrd image.  On the machine of mine with the
3c905C I'm currently running the plain vanilla 2.4.1 kernel on it (not even
Mandrake's rendition of the 2.4.1) and it grabs its info without a hitch or any
slowdowns.  Maybe you can store your kernel configuration to a file and then
send it over to me for closer inspection.

Praedor Tempus wrote:

> I too have the 3c905C.  My problem is not that it doesn't work, it does
> (after a fashion).  The problem I have is that during bootup, when dhcpcd
> sets out to acquire an IP for my computer, it takes FOREVER.  It eventually
> gets around to it and bootup continues and my connection is fine (and the
> proper module is loaded for the card).
> This didn't happen after the inital 7.2 install - getting an IP during bootup
> happened almost immediately.  Later, I built my own kernels, as I am wont to
> do, and I select the proper 3c90x vortex/boomerang module during xconfig.
> This is apparently repeatable - after the initial install (which I have done
> multiple times in the past due to occasionally REALLY screwing my system up
> and finding it easier just to reinstall and go from there) all is well and I
> get an IP address almost immediately.  After building a kernel, however, even
> if I do not end up using it, appears to dick it up so that during the bootup,
> even though the module is identical, SLOOOOOW IP acquisition.
> I am not using the kernels I have built myself right now and am back to the
> 2.2.17-21mdk kernel (and ITS modules), but the situation remains.
> How can I fix this?  What settings for the card might I mess with to get
> things rolling so that getting an IP is almost immediate.  The only thing I
> an think that could be different is some card/network setting is slightly
> altered from the default when a new kernel is built and installed.
> I use dhcpcd-1.3.18pl3-4mdk, have a DSL connection through a Cisco 675
> modem/router.
> On Friday 09 February 2001 16:44, [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
> > My brother has a 3c905B and I have a 3c905C.  We are both using the
> > 3C59x driver that mdk 7.2 auto selects and neither of us have had any
> > problems in 100baseTX full duplex mode under mdk 7.2.
> >
> > My brother did once have a problem with very slow x-fer rates under an
> > earlier version of Mandrake when he once switched the card from a
> > 100baseTX switched port to a 10baseT port on a hub on the same (logical)
> > subnet without bringing the machine or even the interface down.  To the
> > best that I could figure it looked as though the card had automatically
> > switched down to 10baseT, but stayed in full duplex mode.
> [...]
> --
> Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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