
Might be that this is not the expected answer but try https:// instead of
http://. I run into the same trouble some weeks ago...

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Doug Gough
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 8:01 PM
Subject: [expert] can't connect to Webmin on LM7.2

Hopefully, this isn't too much of a newbie question.

I have a fresh install of Linux Mandrake 7.2, which will not allow me to
connect to Webmin from the local console or from another workstation on my
LAN. I can't find much in the way of documentation, especially for
troubleshooting. So my first request would be for a comprehensive source of
documentation. What I've found at the Webmin site and Caldera have been
precious little use, but I have tried what they suggest. Logging in to
localhost:10000 doesn't work, and results in this error message -
connection to host localhost is broken. I have tried with Apache running
and not running. I have checked the miniserv config file, and all seems
well except for the following entries which are seemingly incomplete.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. We are trying to build a new mail
and file server for our school, and I am trying to convince my superiors
that we don't need yet another NT server.

Doug Gough
Computer Services
Pacific Academy

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