Hallo all,

well I have some problems with the network services and LM 7.2. I do not have a
network card, just want to use the loopback device lo.

I have activated the network service at startup, then I also have activated
xinetd and inetd at startup. 

My first question, can inetd and xinetd run at the same time?

Now when my system boots, the lo device is NOT available.
I have to start it manually with

ifconfig lo up

Afterwards I have some network services available:

Port       State       Service
21/tcp     open        ftp
22/tcp     open        ssh
80/tcp     open        http
443/tcp    open        https
1024/tcp   open        kdm
1025/tcp   open        listen
6000/tcp   open        X11

Then again I have to start inetd manually to add:


I tried Webmin and it tells me under Hardware> NetConf> NetInterfaces
that device lo is available and ACTIVATED at boot time. Apparently all this
settings are ignored somehow. Someone suggested that I add the ifconfig line to
the startup scripts, but why do this, if the settings are already there, they
just get ignored.

I have an older LM 7.0 here to, and the device lo gets started by the network
service and no problems at all, just LM 7.2 ignores the settings. Can someone
help here and tell me how to enamble lo "the right way"?
Currently I have to do it manually and the settings indicate that it should work

Thanx in advance


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