On Tuesday 13 February 2001 16:34, Michael O'Henly declaimed unto the 
> Hi...
> I've installed Sun's Java 2 Dev Kit 1.3 which includes a plugin for
> Netscape. Using Netscape 4.7.6 it seems to work properly.
> I've run the command "nspluginscan" as root and user which presumably
> should overcome any difficulty Konqueror has finding Netscape's plugins.
> And I have Konqueror displaying Flash sites using Netscape's plugin.
> But I can't seem to get Konqueror to run a Java applet.
> There seem to be two approaches -- using the plugin and/or specifying a
> path to the JRE java binary. Is this correct or am I misunderstanding? I've
> tried both with the same results.

What is the path you have specified to the java binary? Mine is:


and it works. It is entirely possible that konqueror requires jdk-sun1.2.2 
and doesn't work with 1.3. Java in Star Office, for example. only works with 

Hope that helps.


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