Praedor Tempus wrote:
> Does anyone here use the quicknet phonecard?  I just got one and there are
> drivers for it in linux but they are source only.  Problem is, not a single
> source version I have tried to build WILL build.  It persistently craps out
> with the same message:
> ixj.c: In function `ixj_kill_fasync': ixj.c:539: too few arguments to
> function `kill_fasync_R8e941aa8'
> Now to me, this indicates dicked up code.  It has a problem with the number
> of arguments in the code, not with something on my system.
> Does anyone have a functional driver, PCMCIA, built for 2.2.17, perhaps?  If
> so, please send.  The source is a pain in the ass (I can build a kernel,
> XFree, kde, etc, but this little mess will not build and I can't get into the
> quicknet lists because their instructions are wrong - what I have here is a
> wasted $170 until the damn driver gets built).
> Anyone?
> --
> Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

What are the source?
gphone, ohphone, openh232, ...?

-- Al

  .--. `           
  |__| .-------.   Altoine Barker
  |=.| |.-----.|   Maximum Time, Inc
  |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
  |  | |'-----'|   

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