Mark Belanger wrote:
> Stig-Ørjan Smelror wrote:
> >
> > After I updated my installation of 7.2 StarOffice 5.2 won't run.
> >
> > I get "Failed to load necessary components" and did a "strace" to see
> > what it was looking for. It says it can't find "" or
> > "" and I've no clue what so ever to where these files
> > can be found/located...

Sounds like you had the "stock" LM7.1. What I mean by that is it was in
LM7.1 in the upgrade where gcc merged with egcs into one. LM7.2 should
use the new gcc2.95 or higher (if you upgraded). That is why you are
having your current problems. Your StarOffice 5.2 was statically linked
to the old binaries. You will most likely have to reinstall StarOffice


  .--. `           
  |__| .-------.   Altoine Barker
  |=.| |.-----.|   Maximum Time, Inc
  |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
  |  | |'-----'|   

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