I thought I understood this but I guess I do not.  I do NOT like having 
wu-ftpd up and running by default and I want it to DIE DIE DIE!  If I start 
up tksysv, ftpd service is not listed.  I open up linuxconf and in the 
wu-ftpd page, there isn't any setting or switch for NOT starting it by 
default (the damn thing is on by default - Hello?  SECURITY VIOLATION.).  I 
did select the "Stop" button but then when I tried an ftp connection, inspite 
of my having hit the "Stop" button in linuxconf, I get a connection.  If I 
start up a process manager, I see nothing there indicating that it is running 
- but it obviously is.

How does one set up the system NOT to start the wu-ftp daemon at startup?  
There isn't anything for this in webmin either.  It just assumes you want it 
running, I guess.

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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