I've got it all working now.  Thanks for the info.  I am now visable to the 
various Mac choosers AND with the afpfs module I can now mount Mac volumes on 
my PC and read/write to them.

This last was the main thing I was fighting with all this for.  As for the 
module, does it compile for you with the 2.4.x kernel?  I haven't looked at 
the source for the module except to make sure it pointed to the correct 
location for my kernel source.  You  build it and then need to manually 
copy/move it to the correct module directory in /lib/modules/2.4.x/.  I 
placed mine (2.2.17 kernel) in the same location that my appletalk.o module 
resides.  I suppose with the 2.4.x kernel I would try the same place.  

To load the module, I just do "insmod afpfs" and it works.

> > Perhaps someone who has mixed Mac and linux networks at home or wherever
> > could give afpfs a shot?  I got it at
> > http://www.panix.com/~dfoster/afpfs/
> >
> > It DOES compile and "run" on 2.2.x kernels.  Don't know about 2.4.x
> > kernels.
> I am trying to make it run on 2.4, but I think I do not have enough kernel
> knowledge to do that...

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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