When a newer version of a Linux distribution that I have becomes
available, I have been buying the new version and giving away the older
version to people who have expressed an interest in Linux.  One of these
people is now trying to get his version of LM 7.0 to connect to the
internet.  The problem is that he has a LinkSys Ether card that is not
recognized by the installer on LM 7.0  He says he has Linux drivers for
the network card on a floppy disk, but can not figure out how to get
driver from his floppy disk in to his Lam 7.0   

He thought he would do the smart thing and ask me for help.  If I knew
what he should do I would gladly help him.  But I don't know how to help
in this situation.  He has all the documentation that I received with LM
7.0 and even my documentation for LM 7.2 does not explain how to get an
unrecognized network card and driver to be recognized.  

I expect what needs to be done is to get a module for this network card
added to his kernel on bootup.  IF this is correct, how is it done with
LM 7.0?  

OR what is the correct method to get LM 7.0 to recognize and use his
network card?  An alternative is to pay him a visit with my current
version of LM 7.2 and reinstall LM.

Ralph Sanford        -        If your government does not trust you,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    -    should you trust your government?

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