There is actually a Howto on this which gives step by step instructions
including 3 (I think)ways of getting around the difficult bit.

The basis is that you run both diska at once using a specified mountpoint
for the new disk.

Transfer all your files to the new disk and then ....ermmmm... that's the
difficult bit that is covered in the Howto  ;o)

If you can't get it drop me a line and I'll mail it to you.



> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of C Nielsen
> Sent: 28 February 2001 02:09
> Subject: [expert] Changing HD
> Hello from the frozen north;
>       I'm planing to upgrade my harddisl from an 8gig to a 20 gig
> and was wondering how to move over
> to the new drive with little or no pain.
> I'm running Mandrake 7.2.
> thanx
> --
> Linux Counter #188953
> Linux Machine #85790

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