"Yacketta,Ronald J" wrote:
> Hello all!!
> Could someone point me in the right direction to export my KDE display
> to another server (similar to XDMCP?)
> I work from home often and would liek to beable to do somethign to a
> telnet my box at work (through firewall yada yada)
> set my display and then startx and have the KDE pop back to me at home
> Regards,
> Ron

Unless you have a fat pipe (T1 or better) you really don't want to run 
a whole X session over the internet.  However should you decide that 
you have the patience to watch slow graphics loading kdm should accept 
direct XDMCP requests so long as you haven't firewalled port 177.

That said, the better option is to run an app or two at a time which is 
much more secure and easier on the bandwidth.  XDMCP sessions are 
transmitted in the clear.  X apps over ssh are transmitted over the ssh 
encrypted tunnel.  To use X apps over ssh, set 

   X11Forwarding yes

in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.  Then from the remote box:


Run you favorite X app like so:

   xclock &

and enjoy.  It is possible with a little trickery to get a full XDMCP 
session over an encrypted tunnel.  Set up ssh as described above and 
instsall the XFree86-Xnest rpm.  Xnest is an X server inside a window 
(X app).  Log in to your home machine via ssh as describe above and:

   Xnest :1 -geometry 800x600 -query your.home.machine &

If kdm is working correctly, you should have a new window with a kdm 
login prompt and all the data for that connection is floating over the 
ssh tunnel - no giving away free root paswords when su'ing :-).

     Woody ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Gatewood Green         Web Developer
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