Greetings, everyone.

While replacing an old NCR Unix box with Linux, I've run into a slight
snag. It seems that bash doesn't interpret the generated rsh commands
quite like Unix did (csh, I think).

Basically, users on our production machine (another NCR Unix box) run a
program that generates a shell command that is executed through rsh on
the Linux box. The problem is when the user inserts either double quote
or single quote characters in their comment lines. (These programs send
faxes out through VSIFax on the Linux machine)

The program normally formats the text lines like this:

"\""Testing for bad command on quote or ampersand""\"

When there are quotation marks in the text, they are formatted like

"\""Sent 1/2\" and 3\" putty knife""\"

What do I need to be using for the escape character in bash instead of
the \ ?

Thanks in advance,


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