KompuKit wrote:
> someone PLEASE help me..get my HP 9150i cd-rw to function
> correctly...I have scsi emulation
> I can access , mount , and use it regularly...
> but...when I bringup x-cd-roast it can't find it...or set it up...it
> says something about permissions not being set properly...and/or
> scsi emulation not activated...
> /var/log/messages...says it is....
> it functions correctly in windows...
> what is wrong...

Sorry, but my advice is not to use xcdroast (or any other of the GUI
attempts).  While xcdroast appears to work, it will not verify any
CDs it writes.  Further, an md5sum between the iso file and the
unmounted CD will not match.

Use the command line mkisofs and cdrecord.  They are very easy to use
(see their man pages), md5sum will match, and their error handling is
much better than any GUI could achieve.


Ron. [au]

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