"Jamie M. Dyer" wrote:
> this is the story,
> I installed apache and mySQL, got them working fine. I tried to install
> php but that gernerated errors. A friend told me to install mySQL first,
> then follow the instructions in the php manual to install apache and
> php.
>  I removed the apache, php, and mySQL directories and tried to install
> mySQL again. I followed the same instructions as the first time I
> installed it. but now I get errors. When I type the make command it says
> there is not make file.
>  The only reason I can think this would happen is because of the prior
> installation. Am I right? if so how do I remove all of mySQL, apache and
> php. If im wrong can anyone tell me why this would be happening?
> I'm running MD7.2 and using the latest stable release of mySQL
> Thankyou
> JamieD

Is there something special you need to do that the mdk7.2 packages won't
do?  MDK7.2 has Mysql, Apache, and PHP 4 already included.  The only
kink I found was that the mod_php rpm wasn't installed even using a full
install on my system.  After manually installing mod_php and enabling
the php add-type entry in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf I found that
Apache/PHP worked perfect.  I have to admit I haven't used PHP to access
Mysql yet on that system but it seems unusual to me that Mandrake would
build Apache, PHP, and Mysql together on the same system and not have
interoperability enabled.  I suspect it'll work fine.

Concerning building all the above from scratch - I had no problems with
that either so long as I built Mysql from source instead of installing a
precompiled binary.  I did run into a missing library problem when I
first tried using one of the binaries from the Mysql site.  Try the


Mike Rambo

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