I installed ML8.0b1 and my system slowed to a crawl.  19 minutes from boot
to login screen, 30 minutes from login screen to usable desktop.  Not good.

Since I picked the RECOMMENDED install, ML8.0 overwrote the LILO config with
its own version (I was never given a choice).  I modified lilo.conf in ML8.0
to include a stanza for my ML7.2 partition (/dev/hda1) and rebooted to it.
It ran extremely slow as well.  I began to think that my hardware hit might
have broken in some fashion.  However, while I was booted into ML7.2  I
reran LILO with the lilo.conf from my ML7.2 installation.  

When I rebooted my system was back up to it's old speed.  So I immediately
rebooted to the ML8.0 partition, /dev/hda6.  A few things became evident.

(1) The ML8.0 boot sequence was now similar to the ML7.2 boot.  That is to
say lots of lines ending in "[OK]" instead of the outlined Penguin against
the blue background and marching icons.

(2) It was running **much** faster.

(3) During the boot of ML8.0  I saw several lines where some sort of error
was encountered and the error printout mentioned kernel 2.2.17 from my ML7.2
installation.  However once the system was up it seemed fine for what little
testing I did with it.  I should add one other point.  During the install a
hardware "change" was discovered involving the mouse.  I had not changed the
mouse it Mandrake decided that something had changed in this area.

My ML7.4 lilo.conf also has a stanza for my Debian partition.  Once, having
booted from LILO,  while I was trying to an "apt-get install" a package I
got all sort of dependency errors.  And again, the errors were related to
the Mandrake kernel "2.2.1.....mdk".

So the questions.

(1) What could have caused ML8.0 to run *so* slowly (over an order of
magnitude"?  Any guesses anyone?

(2) What am I missing in my hacks of lilo.conf (or perhaps in how I laid out
the partitions) such that any partition I am booting to seems to be (in some
way) cross threaded with /dev/hda1 (ML7.2). 

At this point I have to say that, while I have read as much info on LILO as
I could find, I have not spent a lot of time hacking with it.

Thanks and cheers,


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