$HOME/.bashrc had no reference to PATH, but I made the
change to /root/.bashrc and it survived to both root
and non-root environments.

A curiosity in the non-root path is the redundancy of
/usr/X11R6/bin and /usr/games.  3 instances of each of
these in PATH.

Thanks for you help.


--- Craig Sprout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Bill Barnes wrote:
> > I added '/usr/local/bin' to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
> but
> > it doesn't boot that way.
> Your PATH environment variable is re-set in
> $HOME/.bashrc (I'm assuming
> that you are using bash).
> To keep the change, you can just comment out the
> PATH portion of your
> $HOME/.bashrc file.
> -- 
> Craig Sprout
> Network Administrator
> Crown Parts and Machine
> http://www.crownpartsandmachine.com

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