I'm not sure about this, but maybe you need drives on hda, and hdb
instead of hda and hdc?

Collins Richey wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 08:00:10 -0500
> Klar Brian D Contr MSG SICN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been having a heck of a time trying to install Mandrake 8b on my
> > PII with 2 hd's. hda (was) all win, while hdc was all linux. I have
> > tried
> > with Mandrake 8b and Redhat 7.1b, and get the same ending. It
> > appears that they do not like to be installed on the second drive
> > properly.
> You must have some other problem.  I have very non-standard setup (CDROMs
> on hda & b, and IDE drivex on hdc (windows) and hdc (linux).  I have both
> MDK 7.2 & 8.0 on hdd (the secondary).  No install problems related to disk
> placement.
> --
> Collins Richey
> Denver Area

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