I am generally pleased with the antialiasing from qt2.3.0 in kde2.1 but I am 
having problems with kedit and kwrite that appears associated.

The problem is that the actual text in the app window is shifted upward 
beyond the menu bar at the top (the cursor resides partially under the menu 
bar) and the text is also invisable.  I can type and type and the cursor 
moves but nothing appears - this is in both kedit and kwrite.

Now for text files.  If I use konqueror to browse my home directory and 
select a text file, it opens it up in the internal konqueror viewer but the 
text is totally dicked.  Instead of text, the page renders as a bunch of 
almost random dots or speckles.  Totally unreadable.  If I open up gedit, it 
is fine and the text file is fine so this is restricted to qt and kde.

I already did the "fix" suggested in the cooker list, downloading the 
truetype font gz file and the XftConfig file.  This allows me to properly 
select arial, etc, fonts, which work very well for everything except kedit 
and kwrite and the internal konqueror text viewer.  One font that is 
impossible to select is fixed font.  It stubbornly remains Adobe Sans serif 
MM which is royally screwed.  If I knew specifically what particular font 
this was amongst those loaded on my system, I would delete it outright.  It 
is utterly useless and hideously mis-rendered.

Has anyone upgraded to qt 2.3.0 and managed to retain kedit and kwrite 
useability?  How about being able to view text files via konqueror?  If 

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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