Wild guess: try chmod +w on your modem device. I fixed it a while back, but
I can't check what I did right now since the machine with the modem is at
home, where I only live during the weekends. But I guess making your modem
device world writable will be sufficient, guessing from the error message.

On 2001.03.19 16:01 Viktor Lakics wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to use the ifup script to estabilish ppp. (I would like
> to have a console-mode tool, otherwise I can use kppp...). If I
> become root, and do ifup ppp0, I have the connection just fine,
> which I can brake with ifdown ppp0. This is just what I wanted,
> except that it works only for root. How can I do that as a normal
> user? 
> (I already tried to make the ifup script setuid root, or changed the
> group from root to "user", but it still does not allow me to use it.
> It says: "users cannor control this device". 
> Can anyone help me with this basic linux question?
> TIA:     -- Viktor
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