Dear Larry:

Thanks so much for responding:

Concerning the icons:

No, I am not talking about creating icons on the desktop. Though we can
add menu items to the pop-up menus that are attached to the XFCE

I was referring to the icons automatically generated when you launch any
application. They line up by default at the top left of the desktop.
And, most unfortunately, they are poorly aligned and some are large and
some are small. There oughtta be a way to standardize them. Though
that's also a problem in KDE.

A diversity of desktops/window manager, not to mention distros may be
great for computer people and Linux aficionados  But, I must agree, that
what is great and refreshing for Linux folks may be very intimidating
and confusing for Joe Average. And Linux may be missing a historic
opportunity on the desktop for this reason. You know, I wish IBM
released its OWN IBM Linux distribution. That might set a standard for
the entire Linux world. And I very much fear that if IBM doesn't do it,
Microsoft will and that will really be the end of us all. Left to
itself, Linux obviously will never solve this problem because from its
point of view, and rightly so, diversity and individuality is a great
virtue. And I agree with them. That's why what we really need is an IBM
Linux to set a standard for the broad masses.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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