On Friday 23 March 2001 18:22, you wrote:
> Sheldon Lee Wen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   I was wondering that now that apt has RPM support if there are any
> > plans to incorporate apt and dselect into Mandrake? This, in my
> > estimation would be the last good reason to switch to debian. The reason
> > I'm asking is that redhat and mandrake esp. have great install programs
> > with really nice tools. However, maintainability is a s.o.b. This is
> > debian's great strength and it would be nice to have an OS that's both
> > easy to install and easy to maintain.
> >
> > Anyone else like to see apt on mandrake?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Sheldon.
> As I understand it, Mandrake is incorporating apt into 8.0, so this
> process is already underway.
> Aaron

How far it will go is another question....  apt-get works so well because 
there is extreme care and discipline in managing the assembly of debs.  In 
the bazaar where we operate, with packagers as volunteers for much of our 
product, that sort of discipline is a wishlist item for when we are as rich 
and hated as Microsoft .-).  So 8.0 packages are apt-get capable but 
definitely not debs.


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