On Sun, 1 Apr 2001, John J. LeMay Jr. wrote:

> ** Reply to message from Dan Swartzendruber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sun, 01 Apr
> 2001 10:23:42 -0400
> > Maybe I'm missing something?  I've done a couple of installs of 7.2 and it 
> > doesn't seem to automatically handle daylight savings time.  I don't recall 
> > seeing anything (even in expert mode install) pertaining to this.  It was 
> > really annoying, since everytime I rebooted, any initial file activity 
> > (until rdate ran in rc.local) would cause files to be timestamped an hour 
> > off.  Any ideas?
> Perhaps you are not setting the "adjust for daylight savings" option during the
> install? I'm not sure where to change this post-install however. 
> My only complaint with the handling of daylight savings is that only the system
> time is changed. I then need to manually adjust the hardware clock to reflect
> the new time.

i did go to linuxconf and under date/time and set the GMT flag and
the rdate server i use.

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