I've developed an applicattion on wxGTK (C++ with gtk)
and now I've a problem to install it 
in a PC with a different linux distribution (Mandrake
7.2(new) vs Red Hat 7.0(mine)). The problem
is the linkage of the module "escritor_sensores.c"
that writes JPEG images on hard disk. The compilation
of the object file is right (it recognize all the
structs and variables), but in the linkage stage
it doesn't find the jpeg functions(undefined reference
to...), just like if I've not included the -ljpeg

Something wrong it that if I replace the object file
compiled in Madrake's distribution with the Red Hat's
compiled, the linkage works fine. All it's right also
if I compile a reduced version programed in C 
that only includes the JPEG part of the applicattion
with gcc.

I've probe to include directly the /usr/lib/libjpeg.a
file in linkage and to install the same
version of g++ (2.96) in both systems but it doesn't

The Makefile it's like this:
cisgrab: cisgrab.o escritor_sensores.o others...
        g++ `wx-config --libs` -ljpeg -o cisgrab cisgrab.o
cisgrab.o: cisgrab.cpp cisgrab.h dialogos.h
nueva_sesion.h  paneles.h escritor_sensores.h 
escritor_sensores.h escritor_parametros.h
ventana_mapas.h tipos_sesion.h estado_sensores.h
        g++ -c -Wall `wx-config --cflags` -o cisgrab.o
escritor_sensores.o: escritor_sensores.cpp
escritor_sensores.h   parametros.h
        g++ -c -Wall `wx-config --cflags` -o
escritor_sensores.o escritor_sensores.cpp
        rm -f *.o *~ cisgrab core

What happens?

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