On Mon Apr 09, 2001 at 08:29:48PM -0700, CB wrote:

> > All your messages appear as signed for me.
> > Using mutt, of course :)
> I'm dreadfully tired of using Netscape for email, but it works so well
> I've gotten lazy.  Has anybody documented the steps for converting to
> mutt?  It needs to include documentation of fetchmail and procmail and
> anything else required (as I understand from ME, that's it).

While not entirely appropriate to this list (cc'd to expert, please
reply on there if you are also on the list), I can tell you that mutt
is pretty simple.  Don't know about converting from netscape (never
used it), but if you can export your address book and read a ~/.muttrc
file, you're set.

I can send my mutt config files for anyone interested (properly
sanitized, of course), but they work very well for me and keeps your
homedir a little more sane by using multiple files in a ~/.mutt
directory instead of cramming everything into one ~/.muttrc file.

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