On Tuesday 10 April 2001 14:33, you wrote:
> Hi,
> [LM7.2]
> So far, I'd been quite happy with CUPS; but now I'm denied access...  Sorry
> for the gory details; but I'm trying to get to the bottom of this
> quickly...
> Yesterday, I needed to print some financial docs and discovered that my
> HPLJ5MP decided to quit working.  After tearing the printer apart countless
> times while troubleshooting, I finally found the problem:  a hairline crack
> in the power motherboard...  Fixed that and decided to check
> MandrakeUpdate...  it lists a security update for cups, so I tried to
> install it; but the install failed with a screenfull of dependency issues.
> OK, forget that and just print my stuff... 
> Now, CUPS wants a userid/password..!!   I never set one, or have any idea
> what it expects.
> Using qtcups and kups, I see what appears to be a clue:  root (no
> password)!!
> I have two desktops, each with a printer, so...  check the other system...
> looks the same; but that one WORKS.
> Right now, I can't access http://localhost:631 either 'cuz it wants a
> password too.  OK, try via the other system...  I can access cups via http
> there; but
> when I select the printer on the main system, I get:
> > Forbidden
> >
> > You don't have permission to access the resource on this server.
> I've tried a lot of things including removing /etc/cups/certs/0.  I was
> able to change some settings via kups & qtcups; but nothing lets me fix it.
> WORSE:  hitting Cancel on the password dialog just brings up another
> (loops). Restarting CUPS each time I try something, I even had one
> situation where the password dialog appeared twice!  Any attempt with
> Cancel just kept throwing 2 in my face.
> When trying a simple print, the auth. dialog defaults to my userid, so I
> click OK; then I'm asked for a password, I enter it and click OK.  It hangs
> at this
> point with the following strace output:
> > write(5, "8\1\4\0\2\0\300\2\0\0\10\0\0\0\0\0;\3\5\0\2\0\300\2\0\0"...,
> > 176) = 176 select(6, [5], [], [], NULL)            = 1 (in [5])
> > ioctl(5, FIONREAD, [32])                = 0
> > read(5, "\3 \206\1\232\372\307\311-\0\0\0\6\0\300\2\0\0\0\0\t\1"..., 32)
> > = 32 ioctl(5, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
> > select(6, [5], [], [], NULL)            = 1 (in [5])
> > ioctl(5, FIONREAD, [32])                = 0
> > read(5, "\2$\206\1\1\376\307\311-\0\0\0\6\0\300\2\0\0\0\0\t\1\307"...,
> > 32) = 32 ioctl(5, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
> Ctrl+c this print command (<simple script to generate envelope> | xpp).
> Even trying via lpr gives:
> > $ envelope Addresses/PF | lpr
> > Authentication required on localhost
> > Password: Username (leave blank to cancel):
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> and this seems weird.
> Some logs:
> /var/log/error_log...
> D [10/Apr/2001:15:29:47 -0500] CloseClient() 5
> D [10/Apr/2001:15:29:47 -0500] ReadClient() 3 POST /printers/ HTTP/1.1
> D [10/Apr/2001:15:29:47 -0500] decode_auth() 3 username="root"
> D [10/Apr/2001:15:29:47 -0500] AcceptClient() 5 from
> D [10/Apr/2001:15:29:47 -0500] CloseClient() 3
> D [10/Apr/2001:15:29:47 -0500] ReadClient() 5 POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1
> D [10/Apr/2001:15:29:47 -0500] decode_auth() 5 username="root"
> D [10/Apr/2001:15:29:47 -0500] AcceptClient() 3 from
> D [10/Apr/2001:15:29:47 -0500] ReadClient() 3 POST /printers/ HTTP/1.1
> D [10/Apr/2001:15:29:47 -0500] decode_auth() 3 username="root"
> [...]
> /var/log/access_log...
> - root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:17 -0500] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1" 200
> 114 - root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:19 -0500] "POST /printers/
> HTTP/1.1" 200 77 - root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:19 -0500] "POST
> /classes/ HTTP/1.1" 200 77 - root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:19 -0500]
> "POST /printers/ HTTP/1.1" 200 77 - root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:19
> -0500] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1" 200 114 - root
> [10/Apr/2001:14:10:21 -0500] "POST /printers/ HTTP/1.1" 200 77 -
> root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:21 -0500] "POST /classes/ HTTP/1.1" 200 77
> - root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:21 -0500] "POST /printers/ HTTP/1.1"
> 200 77 - root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:21 -0500] "POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1"
> 200 114 - root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:23 -0500] "POST /printers/
> HTTP/1.1" 200 77 - root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:23 -0500] "POST
> /classes/ HTTP/1.1" 200 77 - root [10/Apr/2001:14:10:23 -0500]
> "POST /printers/ HTTP/1.1" 200 77 [...]
> Sorry for the random rambling...  my mind is getting warped trying to
> figure out what happened... fixing the hardware was challenging enough...
> I was starting to suspect a partial update; but "rpm -V" shows only
> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and /etc/cups/printers.conf "changed".  printers.conf
> has a date of Jan  2 18:45:39 2001, so I doubt it's the problem.  That
> leaves:
> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf contains (minus comments):
> ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <--added after the problem started
> LogLevel debug
> Printcap /etc/printcap
> FilterLimit 999999
> Port 631
> ImplicitClasses Off
> BrowseAddress
> <Location />
> AuthType None
> AuthClass User
> Order Allow,Deny    <-- reversed from original
> Allow From 192.168.1.*
> Deny From All
> </Location>
> <Location /admin>
> AuthType Basic
> AuthClass User
> Order Allow,Deny    <-- reversed from original
> Allow From
> Deny From All
> </Location>
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Pierre

What does

rpm -qa | grep rintpro



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