Yeah but what database does it use? Did you have to specify *anything* or did it just 
working on its own?

This is the closest thing to a success story i've heard of on this particular issue.


--- "C. CLOSE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SoloCDM wrote:
> > 
> > Does anyone have ideas how to go from RPM version 3.x to 4.x,
> > because RPM version 3.x won't install version 4.x?  Also, what
> > files are necessary to completely upgrade?
> > 
> > Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
> >       list/newsgroup address in Cc: and my email address in To:.
> > 
> > *********************************************************************
> > Signed,
> > SoloCDM
> Hi,
>       I had this problem the only solution I found was to download the source
> as a tar.gz archive and compile it, I seem to recall that there were
> some dependencies. If I recall correctly it was htdig which also needed
> a later version (it was certainly a database package). I installed in
> /usr/local and use it from the command line when necessary; this saved
> messing up the rpm-3 installation. Hope this helps.
>                               Regards
>                                        Colin Close

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