I've tried to post this message already, did it make it? The delivery of my messages, 
both to and
from this list, seems suspect at best. And from the error messages that i do get to 
see, it looks
like the problem is on "mandrax"'s side....Anyway, here's a post that i made awhile 
ago on this
topic, after asking a similar question and getting many responses.

Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 14:07:23 -0800 (PST) 
From: John Wolford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Subject: Summary: How to move /usr to another partition 

Greetings again,

Thanks for all the replies re: How to move /usr to another partition? 
It's nice to know that what
i was working with SHOULD have worked, on principle. Here is a brief 
summary of the "How to move
/usr to another partition?" thread.

1. Resize partition, using Partition Magic or some such thing. [this 
will only work if you
actually have the appropriate space on the drive, of course]

All of the following assume that /usr will be duplicated somehow onto 
/mnt/usr temporarily, then
/etc/fstab will be updated to reflect the new location, reboot and 
presto, you are mounting the
new /usr.

2. copy:
# cp -a /usr /mnt

3. tarball:
# tar cvf /mnt/usr.tar /usr
# cd /mnt
# tar xvfp usr.tar
(Note that this method requires enough free space to hold not just 
mnt/usr but also /mnt/usr.tar)

# tar cf - /usr | ( cd /mnt ; tar xvfp - )
# cd /mnt
# tar cf - -C /usr | tar xvpf
(Note that these last two methods of tarballing only require enough 
free space to hold /usr)

Care must be taken to preserve relative links and file permissions if 
either 2 or 3 is to work.
Soft links do not support spanning partitions or devices and will cause 
failures if this occurs.

An aside: at the time that i was attempting this i was installing and 
re-installing on various
drives on the same system. It MAY have been the case that i had a swap 
partition on the device
that contained /usr and the device that contained the new /mnt/usr. If 
this were true, it could
have caused some problems, i don't know.

Thanks again,

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