First of all, I didn't write that.. hahah

But the other thing to do is check your symlinks. 
Make sure the devices are linked properly.  I know
there is an issue with burners not linking properly. 
By any chance is one of these cd-roms a burner?

A quick way to check for this is to look in your /dev
directory and ls -l cdrom*

If you see cdrom, cdrom1, and cdrom2, then that's
likely a problem.

For example, I have my DVD player as master of my
second IDE and my burner as slave on the second IDE. 
Therefore I deleted my bad links (rm /dev/cdrom*) and
created new ones:

ln -s hdc cdrom
ln -s scd0 cdrom1

I then updated /etc/fstab changing all references of
cdrom2 to cdrom1.  I removed cdrom2 from /mnt and
created /mnt/cdrom1.  Then I was good to go.

Maybe that's the issue you are having with your
cdroms.  I have never owned a zip drive so I have no
idea of how they are supposed to be set up.  But if
you know how it should look, make sure it is linked
properly as well.

If the link is bad, you will get that EXACT error that
you are having.  That is what it would say to me until
I fixed my cdrom links.

Hope that helps.  Write again with more detail if this
doesn't fix the problem.

--- Jay DeKing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Todd Flinders wrote:
> I cannot access my zip or floppy drives, even when
> logged in as root.
> The message I get is "input/output error." While
> researching this issue,
> the only hint I found was "try a different disk, you
> probably have a bad
> one in the drive." But, the floppy is a Mandrake
> boot disk, created in
> Mandrake 7.2; I use it to boot my machine (GRUB
> problem with hda,
> subject of another post) and it works fine. 
> When I do an ls -l of the /mnt directory, both the
> floppy and zip are
> shown as having a size of 0.
> Clues, anybody? By the way, I did add myself to the
> floppy group, and
> there is *no* zip group listed.
> Hoping this post doesn't bounce back like my
> previous attempt,
> Jay DeKing
> > 
> > Try adding yourself to the cdrom and zip groups.
> > 
> > --- Praedor Tempus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have a ppa zip drive and 2 cdroms setup with
> > > supermount.  Only root is able
> > > to mount them.  How do I correct this so that I,
> as
> > > a user, can mount the zip
> > > and cdroms?
> > > --
> > > Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend
> in
> > > vain.
> > >
> > 
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