Oh! Well, good :-)
But still you need to delete the locked file that xfs created.

Along with df, du is another useful utility. "d"isk "u"sage is what it stands for. 
Read the
manpage, but du -h /var will give you some idea of how much space the things in /var 
are taking
and "du -hs /var" will summarize how much /var takes up. Anyway, just read the man 

Glad you're on the right track.

--- Benjamin Sher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear friends:
> My thanks to Craig Sprout for this hint. I hope this leads to a
> solution.
> I checked my partitions (df) and, lo and behold, discovered that my main
> partition (/) is absolutely full (0 bytes left and 100% of disk space
> used).
> This doesn't make any sense to me. This may have something to do with my
> failed attempt to install Ximiam Gnome 1.4 a day or so ago, which ended
> with a long list of errors at the very end of installation and forced me
> to cancel the whole thing.
> By the way, all of my XFree86 files are versions 4.03, including my
> Xfree86-xfs file. Is this correct? And I use Xfree86-SVGA 3.3.6 as my
> default Xserver with my Nvidia card. Xfree86 4.0.3 doesn't work on my
> computer.
> Thanks again for trying to help.
> Benjamin
> -- 
> Sher's Russian Web
> http://www.websher.net
> Benjamin and Anna Sher

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