Hey Folks,

same here. Seems not to be due to Mandrake-8.0 as I had this Problem with
Mandrake-7.2 updated to Xfree-4.0.3 with FAA support. It does not seem to be 
the 3d-Part making problem - but the resolution switchint. If I try switching 
to 800x600 or 640x480 mode - the X Server just terminates.

The 3d-Part seems to work in a Window though.

My Config:
Asus A7V133, Athlon 1GHz, 512MB Ram, 30GB U-DMA 5 HD, 2x4GB U-SCSI Harddrives 
on a Buslogin BT948 Controller, Voodoo-3 3000 AGP Card, SB Live 1024 

Well - hope this helps a little...


        The Smurph
"Help Mr. Wizard!"
-- Tennessee Tuxedo
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