On Monday 30 April 2001 11:45, Laurent Duperval wrote:
> On 30 Apr, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > When it crashes xfs, if you have a working console app (like xterm?
> > konsole?) start one and login as superuser.  Then do "/etc/xinit.d/xfs
> > restart".  If you cannot do this, try logging into a new session by doing
> > Ctrl-Alt-F2, log in, go to superuser and do what I just wrote
> > above...restart xfs.
> Ok, I had that going already.
> > Whenever I have run into problems with xfs crashing, it has invariably
> > been because it "cannot find font: misc fixed" for something along that
> > line. This usually was associated with my using antialiased fonts.
> Ok, how do I fix that?

Hmpf.  IS that the error you get?  I believe it is "cannot find font fixed: 

As for fixing it...I was never able to - I ended up changing my fonts around 
in apps.  You could try to load the font placed up for use in the expert 
group recently by akar 'th 'orrible:


It is a fixed-width font that MAY fix your problem.  Perhaps someone in the 
list can offer more specifics on fixing the problem (reording the font 
directories, etc).
Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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