Have you tried changing your sound settings in KDE?  There are different
options and I know when I had it set to real time priority I couldn't
get real audio to play sound because the "sound device was busy".  It's
under configuration, kde, sound.  

On 29 Apr 2001 14:26:49 -0600, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> Crap.  I simply cannot get soundfx working with heretic2 under MD 8.0.  It 
> will not do it.  
> I have libSDL and all that installed and sound works fine in KDE but the game 
> only provides CD music, no soundfx and it gives me this:
> Initializing SDL sound
> Cmd_AddCommand: play already defined
> Cmd_AddCommand: stopsound already defined
> Cmd_AddCommand: soundlist already defined
> Cmd_AddCommand: soundinfo already defined
> Couldn't open SDL audio: No available audio device
> I checked /dev/dsp and it has rw permissions set for everyone (I even did a 
> chmod 666 on it to make sure).  I did not have this problem with Mandrake 
> 7.2.  What has changed, presumably in artsd, which prevents it from allowing 
> anything but itself from accessing/using the sound system?  What else can be 
> done?  It is NOT a proper or good option to have to kill artsd every time you 
> want to play a game, but this is what I am left with, it seems.
> On Sunday 29 April 2001 06:28, Jerry Sternesky wrote:
> > I don't have heretic, but with Solider of Fortune, I had to change
> > permissions on /dev/dsp to get sound working.
> >
> > I did a chmod 666 /dev/dsp
> >
> > From a security stand point I honestly don't know if this is the best
> > approach or not.  Before doing this check to make your users are in the
> > audio group, that fixed the problem for me when I had the same issue under
> > 7.2.
> >
> > Jerry
> >
> > On Saturday 28 April 2001 22:52, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > > I have Heretic2 from Loki.  Under 7.2 I was able to play this game fine
> > > and had sound.  Now, since installing Mandrake 8.0, I no longer have game
> > > sound.
> > >
> > > I have posted to the Loki games newsgroup but get no help.  I have libSDL
> > > installed and the game recognizes this (just as with 7.2) but I get a
> > > message: "Couldn't open SDL audio: No available audio device"
> > >
> > > What is this?  Artsd didn't used to completely monopolize my soundcard
> > > under 7.2.  Now under 8.0, it appears to be unwilling to release the card
> > > for use.
> > >
> > > Anyone have 8.0 and heretic2 with properly working sound?  Is there
> > > something I need to do to my system like make /dev/dsp read-writeable for
> > > users?
> -- 
> Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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