First off, you should never use 'rpm -Uvh' for kernel upgrades. If you do that, it will overwrite your current kernel. Use 'rpm -ivh', as it says to do in the kernel docs, this will install the new kernel along side your old one.

Russell Hoffman wrote:

Hi, I've never upgraded the kernel like this, so I wanted to run it by this
list before I tried...

The default kernel in LM8.0 is 2.4.3-10mdk, and I saw 2.4.3-23mdk on the
cooker mirrors.  So I've downloaded kernel-2.4.3-23mdk.src.rpm, and I think
I do this, right:

$ rpm --rebuild kernel-2.4.3-23mdk.src.rpm
$ rpm -Uvh /path/to/rpms/kernel-2.4.3-23mdk.rpm

I guess my first question is, do you think it's ok to upgrade, I think
that -10mdk still had a file system corruption bug, so I would think this
version would have that fixed, right?

Also, is that all there is to it?  I can't seem to find any relevant
information on


Russell Hoffman

-"FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!! comes bundled in the software!"

Stephen Lawrence Jr. - Programmer
California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System, UC Davis 

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