This is just a shot in the dark, but try running it as root.

Another shot in the dark: awhile back someone mentioned that Netscape insists
on loading its homepage, and if it can't load it when it is started then it
will die/automatically-exit. I know Konqueror doubles as a web-browser, is it
possible that it's trying to load something or access something that isn't


--- Neal Lippman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any help appreciated. I am using konquerer under KDE 2.1 (the MDK rpms). THe 
> underlying system is MDK 7.2 with a self-compiled 2.4.4 kernel.
> I am unable to get konquerer to run. At first, it would run when I selected 
> it from the panel or the "K" menu, but if I right-clicked on a link and 
> selected "new window" the new window would open and then immediately close.
> Now, when I try to run it from the K menu or the panel icon, it briefly 
> appears in the applications area on the panel, no winow opens, then it exits.
> I cannot find any errors in any /var logs.
> Anyone with any ideas?
> Thanks.
> Neal

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