Our network guys saw fit to install a server that monitors all of our
internet activity on our network. I'm not happy about this (especially
since I wasn't notified about it), but want a bit of privacy here.

Ok, here's what I need to do:

1. I have a box running LM 7.02. I'd like to set this up as a proxy.
2. I need to be able to point to this box from my NT4, Win2000, and LM7.2
machines for all internet browsing. The box has 1 nic in it so I guess I
would be sending this thing packets and it would, in turn, forward them to
our main proxy to go out to the internet. I only want this "watchdog"
server to see the ip address of this one box instead of the 3 that I'll
actually be using.


3. I need to know if they've tried to access the box.

Any thoughts, ideas, how-to's?

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