Hi all.

        I'm having some trouble with mod_perl under Apache 1.3.19.

        Whenever I install all the packages, I got this error:
"httpd-perl: Symbol `PL_statcache' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking"

        I'm using all packages from Apache-1.3.19, mod_perl too.
        Perl and Perl base 5.600-17.
        Should this problem be caused by the fact that the former
set of packages coming from Mandrake 8, and the second from 7.2?
        If so, how I can upgrade them without break a hundred depe

        Thank you.

Leonardo T. de Carvalho
        Ibiz Tecnologia
Frase aleatória:
"On a clear disk you can seek forever.
                -- P. Denning

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