On Saturday 12 May 2001 15:15, Jon Leech wrote:
>     I just installed Mandrake 8.0 on a Gateway 9100XL laptop. This used
> existing partitioning (2.5 /dev/hda1, Win95; 330M /dev/hda5, /root; 2G
> /dev/hda6, /usr; 128M /dev/hda7, swap), but was a fresh install.
>     The install went cleanly, but I'm having sporadic problems with
> booting. Some of the time LILO 21.7 comes up with the graphical splash
> screen, and selecting linux or linux-nonfb boots properly. Some of the
> time LILO comes up in text mode, and selecting linux or linux-nonfb
> hangs forever after printing 'Loading linux'. There is no apparent
> pattern in when this happens.
>     Booting from floppy always seems to work. Is this a known problem? I
> hunted around google and Mandrake's website for a while, but didn't turn
> up anything that seemed relevant.
>     Thanks,
>     Jon

Let's see /etc/lilo.conf

and fdisk -l /dev/hda


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