
Try using:

newgrp [groupname]

and it should change your group permissions as per login. See 'man newgrp'


____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject: Re: [expert] Adding users to groups takes effect when?
Date: 14/05/01 14:42

Yes. I logged out and back in again, and the changes seem to have taken

Too bad that there's not a command you can issue; but at least you don't have
to reboot.

--- Stephen

On Monday 14 May 2001 03:08 am, you wrote:
> On Mon, 14 May 2001 06:39, you wrote:
> > Under LM8, /usr/src belongs to the group adm under medium security. I
> > added myself to the group adm (via webmin) but still get permission
> > denied when trying to do a ls /usr/src.
> >
> > How do I make adding myself to a new group take effect?
> >
> > -- Stephen
> Usually it takes until your next login

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