Try a "df -i".  You will find that you have run out of inodes.
Then go look at /var/log/mail.  You will find it full of 10000 files.
An update to logrotate may solve the problem, but it did not for me (on
LM 7.1).

Mark Weaver wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've got a problem here that isn't making any sense to me. This morning
> one of the leg messages reported that there wasn't any more space left on
> /var. that's ok cause it wasn't any big deal to fix that. what I did have
> a problem with is the difference free space that is being reported by two
> different programs on the system.
> df reports it this way:
> [mdw1982@mdw1982 mdw1982]$ df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda5             494M  156M  338M  32% /
> /dev/hda8             7.3G  1.1G  6.2G  16% /home
> /dev/hda1             1.7G  1.4G  297M  82% /mnt/win_c
> /dev/hdc1             652M  161M  491M  25% /mnt/win_c2
> /dev/hdc5             1.8G   92k  1.8G   0% /mnt/win_d
> /dev/hda7             2.9G  2.1G  798M  73% /usr
> /dev/hdc6             787M  757M   30M  96% /var <-- the critical reading
> /proc/bus/usb         197M  197M     0 100% /proc/bus/usb
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> ...and du reports it this way:
> [root@mdw1982 mdw1982]# du -h --max-depth=1 /
> 4.5M    /bin
> 266k    /dev
> 16M     /etc
> 36M     /lib
> 1.5G    /mnt
> 0       /net
> 512     /opt
> 4.0M    /tmp
> 469M    /var <-- the critical reading
> 2.3G    /usr
> 6.0M    /boot
> 1.1G    /home
> 0       /misc
> 1.0k    /proc
> 6.7M    /sbin
> 49M     /root
> 512     /.automount
> 512     /.gnome_private
> 1.0k    /.gnome
> 5.6G    /
> ----------------------------------------------------
> What really has me stuck is the different readings I'm getting on /var.
> Can any shed a little light on this?
> Xwc calculated /var and came up with essentially the same answer as du
> did.
> thanks,
> Mark
> *****
> "what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
> at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
> emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)"

Tom Schutter (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Platte River Associates, Inc. (

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