Dear friends:

May I ask those of you who have access to both Linux and Windows if you could 
please compare the following URL in several browsers and hopefully suggest a 
solution. The URL is:

The problem is a minor one but annoying and puzzling nonetheless in the 
latest Mozilla 0.9 and in the latest Opera 5.0.

Please look only at the table structure of the Index (and at the source). 
There are three equal columns of 9 categories each.

Please compare it in Linux using the following browsers: Netscape 4.7, Opera 
5, Mozilla 0.9 and Konqueror (in KDE 2.1.1).

Then, in Windows could you please compare this same page in Netscape 4.7 and 
in IE 5.x.

In Linux, Netscape 4.7 and Konqueror render the table structure perfectly, 
i.e. in perfect symmetry: all three columns begin at the same height and end 
at the same height. Same for their placement in each column.

Mozilla 0.9 renders the columns correctly, but the first column is placed 
higher than the other two columns.

Finally, Opera 5.0, while rendering the heights correctly, renders the 
columns wrongly: the middle and right column appear far to the right of the 
left column. 

In Windows, the table structure is rendered perfectly by both Netscape 4.x 
and IE 5.x.

What could cause this discrepancy, please. Especially in Mozilla 0.9.

Could someone please suggest how I could modify the code in order to remove 
this discrepancy? Please be specific.

Thank you so very much.


Sher's Russian web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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