Dear friends:

The new MandrakeExpert service is a fabulous addition to Linux-Mandrake and 
Linux in general (in fact, it will eventually support not only LM but other 
distros as well).

Unfortunately, like anything new, there are bound to be bugs in the system. 
In my case, I had asked for help with Networking and received a number of 
brief responses from several experts. 

Meanwhile, while waiting to hear from them this week, I managed to solve all 
of my outstanding problems (knock wood!). 

Now, MandrakeExpert has a section called "Comment", where you are supposed 
to, quite obviously, send your comments. Unfortunately, this section is not 
functioning properly. I wanted to thank the experts who responded. Instead, I 
was only allowed to send my comment to an expert who happened to be 
available, who just happens to have been the wrong person. So, I went ahead 
and sent it to him, anyway (his name is Mark). I think he'll quickly realize 
that this message is meant collectively for all the experts who responded to 
my question.

If you recognize yourself as being one of the experts in question, once again 
my thanks.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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