----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Shoemaker
Sent: Sat, 26 May 2001 17:58:42 -0700
Subject : Re: [expert] Aurora Vs LiLo

> David Boles wrote:
>  > I really don't want to hurt anyones feelings, but...
>  >
>  > I have had nothing but problems with L-M 8.0 and the new
>  > Aurora. Or maybe it is the Mandrake Control Center and the
>  > way it controls Aurora.
>  >
>  > Please . How do I remove Aurora and just configure L-M 8.0
>  > for "just plain old LiLo" like is was before L-M 8.0  Not
>  > to be a smart A$$, I don't really want any "hardware
>  > configuration questions" I just would like to go back to a
>  > plain boot, actually lately it has been reboot after
>  > reboot, startup. I have tried everything that I can think
>  > of to try.
>  >
>  > Thanks in advance.
>  David....there's a desktop icon labeled Mandrake Control 
>  Center.  Click it and choose Boot and then Boot Config.  
>  There's a check box to uncheck to turn off Aurora and a 
>  button provided (upper right corner) for configuring lilo.

Thanks Alan, but I was aware of the feature. It does not seem to work
completely, at least not here. LiLo, or what ever, still loads the
graphic with the names and sometimes it finishes in text and sometimes it
finishes in graphics.

David Boles

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