I just installed Mandrake 8.0 on machine that will act as a server for an 
internal network (using the 192.168 range of addresses).  I have dhcp working 
so when my clients boot up they get an ip assigned by the server.  I would 
like to set up dns internally so as each client can be located by it's name 
instead of ip adress.  I would also like for all requests for the internet to 
be forwarded out to my isp's dns servers.  The network topology is a cable 
modem to a linksys 4 port router and the server and 3 clients to the this 

I think I am close, but don't have it nailed, so I am looking for thoughts 
and/or help.  I have been going through the how-to's and some web articles on 
setting up dns and I think I am confusing myself more than I am helping 

my dhcpd.conf is as follows:

subnet netmask {
        default-lease-time 600;
        max-lease-time 7200;
        option subnet-mask;
        option broadcast-address;
        option routers (ip address of router);
        option domain-name-servers (lip of ocal server), (ip of isp dns server)
        option domain-name (mydomain.com)
        range (starting ip) (ending ip)

This part apears to be working fine, I think if I get dns working right I 
should be able to take out the isp's dns and have my local dns forward to 
them. For DNS I setup /etc/named.conf and have forwarders set to the isp dns.
I also have a zone "." pointing to file /var/named.dbcache retrieved using:
dig @e.root-servers.net ns>/var/named/db.cache

I also setup a name to ip zone file that has my server and domain in it.
IN NS server.mydomain.com.
master IN A "IP address"
localhost IN A
server  IN A "ip address"

There is also an ip to name zone file

IN NS server.mydomain.com
1 IN PTR server.mydomain.com

Then finally the local host zone file.

on the server my resolv.conf has
search mydomain.com
nameserver "server ip"

my nsswitch.conf host entry is files nisplus nis dns.

I am runing nis so if I read correctly this is the proper order.  If anyone 
can get pointed in the right direction with this I would appreciate it.


Jerry S.

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