SoloCDM wrote:
> Did you pick up the script ideas from experience or a tutorial book?

yes. sorta...

> If from a book, would you send the author and title?

man bash  --  seriously.  I hadn't yet encountered the pipeline problem when I
looked at your script; just lucky I suppose... yet, the answer was in the man
page; it jumped out at me 'cuz of the experience factor with many other

Even my preference for "[ $VAR ] && {...}" (or ||) rather than "if [ -[n|z] $VAR
];" or "if [ $VAR -[ne|eq] 0 ];" is in there.  I prefer
minimalist, *not* obfuscated code; just simple, easy to understand and
maintain.  Yup, I prefer Python for most stuff...  :>


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