I'll make this potentially simpler:

edit /etc/X11/fs/config

scroll down to this section :

catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,

and delete the line: "/usr/share/abisuite/AbiSuite/fonts,"

You can simply reboot and be done with it, or do the following
to avoid the reboot:

issue the following (restarting the font server):

/etc/init.d/xfs stop
/etc/init.d/xfs start

Then logout of your X session.

If you use gdm/xdm/kdm (graphical logins), you need to either
reboot or do: "init 3;init 5" from the console.

It's the damn AbiSource fonts that look so horrible.  Alternatively,
you could simply uninstall abisuite: rpm -e abisuite

If you happen to be able to make sense of the fs/config, you can
play with it to see if you can create a default font load to suit
your tastes, but you have to restart the xfs server and pop out of
and back into X to make the changes take effect.  Remember, make a
backup of anyfile you edit just in case...

For a quick X font lesson, fonts are choosen for X and X apps mainly
in one of 3 ways:

1.) You specify the font in the application under the app's
     preferences menu.

2.) The app looks for all "Times" (or other major font family) font
     and grabs the first Times in the alaphabeticaly ordered list -
     "Times (AbiSource)" comes before "Times (Adobe)".

3.) The apps pulls the first "Times" (or other major font family)
     that it can find (the order that the fonts are listed in
     /etc/X11/fs/config is important here.)  This *supposedly* is
     the default method if you haven't specified a font directly as
     I understand it.

So from here, you might have some leeway to play with the fonts to
suit your veiwing pleasure.


Oscar wrote:

> Hi.
> I have problems with fonts in LM 8.0. It looks horrible.
> You can see the example I put at http://www.ua.es/personal/oscar/fuentes/
> I'm following discussion about this problem at www.mandrakeforum.com and 
> www.mandrakeuser.org
> This is my solution, but It's not complete, It's only "first aids":
> - Change the order of fonts in /etc/X11/fs/config, putting in first place 
> 100dpi fonts.
> - Select lucidatypewriter in netscape, konqueror and kpanel.
> - Put the option -dpi 100 in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
> It solves the problem, but only in part and sometimes.
> ?????
> I presume the problem is in anti-aliasing (but It is OFF in KDE). I have an 
> ATI Xpert XL. 
> Excuse my english.
> Salu2,
> Oscar.

      Woody ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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