A few problems with Bastille-netfilter:

a) it is not started a boot up, even though it is selected under 
bastille-firewall in the services subsection of the system section of the 
Mandrake Control Center.

b) trying to start it in the control center by pressing the start button 
gives the message:

  <<Usage: /sbin/bastille-netfilter {start|stop|status}>>

c) I ran the script to allow http, https, and ssh. Doing an nmap tcp scan, I 

Port       State       Service
22/tcp     open        ssh
80/tcp     open        http
443/tcp    open        https
631/tcp    open        unknown
901/tcp    open        samba-swat
6000/tcp   open        X11
32770/tcp  open        sometimes-rpc3

I'm wondering why ports 631, 901, 6000 (!), and 32770 are reported as being 

-- Stephen

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